
As a school we are very proud of our uniform and of our high standards of appearance and expect correct school uniform to be worn at all times.
Our School Uniform consists of:
Royal blue school sweat shirt / cardigan (with or without school logo)
Plain white polo T-shirt
Grey smart school skirt or grey/black smart school trousers
Blue / white gingham school dress (summer)
Grey, black, blue or white plain hair accessories
Grey, white or black plain tights
Grey, white or black plain socks
PLAIN BLACK school shoes – low heel (with no logo or badges) – NO TRAINERS / CANVAS SHOES / PUMPS ALLOWED
Royal blue school sweatshirt (with or without school logo)
Plain White polo T-shirt
Grey/black smart school trousers
Grey smart school shorts (summer)
Grey, white or black plain socks
PLAIN BLACK school shoes (with no logo or badges) – NO TRAINERS / CANVAS SHOES / PUMPS ALLOWED
Our PE uniform consists of:
Plain White T-Shirt
PLAIN Black sports shorts or
PLAIN Black tracksuit bottoms or leggings
Pumps or trainers
SCHOOL UNIFORM IS PLAIN BLACK SMART SCHOOL SHOES – these should be plain with no logo or badge on them. Trainers / canvas shoes / pumps / sandals are not allowed. Nike, Adidas, Slazenger, Puma, Mckenzie are all trainers and not school shoes School Uniform Policy so therefore are not acceptable at Eastfield. School shoes should not have ‘flashing lights.’
Children should come to school wearing their PE uniform on PE days.
Sweatshirts and Cardigans with the school's Logo and PE kit are available to purchase from the school office, along with book bags.
Prices: (if purchased through school)
Sweatshirts £9.00
Cardigans £10.00
Polo T-shirts £7.00
Book Bag £3.50
Our school uniform and PE kit is available to buy online at Lads and Lasses https://www.ladsandlassesschoolwear.co.uk/.
Please contact the school office on 01902 558604 or email office@eastfieldpri.co.uk in order to register for our online payment system, School Comms, to make a purchase.
Finally, please help us...... ALL CLOTHING MUST BE CLEARLY NAMED.