School Lunch
There are three alternatives you may wish to choose:
1. School lunch paid / free
2. Packed lunch from home
3. Home for lunch
School meals are £2.50 per day. Milk is also provided at lunchtime. We are a cashless school and use an online payment system for school meal payments – School Comms. Please phone the school office on 01902 558604 or email office@eastfieldpri.co.uk to set up an account for this service.
School is responsible for administering the collection of lunch money, and so we regret that lunch cannot be offered should any arrears reach £20.00 – you will then need to provide a packed lunch or take your child home for lunch. Mrs Stewart (Office Manager) will send out “bills" for unpaid meals on a regular basis – please ensure that these arrears are paid promptly.
All pupils in FS, Y1 and Y2 are entitled to a Free School Meal.
Find out about our school meals by visiting:
Find out about how to apply for free school meals by visiting: