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News and Updates

Year 3 Check In (4th May)

Good morning Year 3

It has been great to hear from you through the blog page on PurpleMash. If you haven’t shared a comment yet, the page can be found by following: sharing – sharing blogs – and then choose class 7 or class 8.

Our Check In for this week is what is the kindest thing someone has done? We’ve included a picture of Captain Tom who has been very kind by raising money for the NHS. You could think of something that somebody has done for you, your family or our country.

Share your answers through the blog on PurpleMash.

Last week Class 7 were asked to share their favourite Disney song. We’ve included this video link to the most popular. Join in and sing with your family.

Hopefully it won’t be long now until we see you again. Meanwhile keep yourself safe, complete your homework and log onto PurpleMash.

Mr Walker and Mrs Cunneen x x


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