Parents & Families
At Eastfield we work in partnership with parents and families.
Each term, we invite parents in to workshops / meetings on varying topics and curriculum areas e.g. phonics, Maths, Residential visits, online safety, ADHD, mental health, sleep etc . These workshops are led by teachers, inclusion staff or other services e.g. school nurses, Reflexions.
Each term, parents are invited into school to speak to the class teacher and to view children's work and books.
Throughout the year, parents and families are invited to class assemblies, celebration events including at St Matthew's Church and Sports days.
The school's family liaison and safeguarding officer (Miss Rownes) and behaviour and welfare officer (Mrs Heaton) provide a 'listening ear' to families.
Important information for parents is detailed in this section of the website and is also posted on the school's Facebook page.
Early Help at Eastfield Primary School
What is Early Help?
Early help is support given to families when a challenge first develops, or if a new or continuing difficulty doesn’t meet thresholds for specialist support. Early help may be offered in a wide range of situations within a family in which a child’s health or wellbeing could be affected.
In the first instance Early Help may be led by school.
Early help is always voluntary, and it aims to support families to develop strategies and strengths, resolve difficulties and prevent problems escalating to an extent that specialist services are required.
For more information about Early help please follow the link to the young minds website or contact our school Early Help Lead Mrs Heaton, Behaviour and Welfare Officer.
Guide to early help and early intervention services | YoungMinds
*within Wolverhampton, Early Help Assessment (EHA) is referred to as Early Support Plan (ESP)