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Finance, Personnel and General Purposes Committee

Chair of Committee – Trish Simms

Mr T Warren

Miss A Lang

Twice yearly meetings

Our Governors

I would like to warmly welcome you to our wonderful school. All of the staff and Governors are committed to working with the children, parents and community of Eastfield and we all truly believe in our core school values of: pride, care, respect, resilience, diversity and opportunity. 

Ms M Throssell

Interim Chair of Governors

Governor's Welcome 

Our Governing Body

Eastfield Primary School’s Governing Body – Academic Year 2023-24

Interim Chair of Governors - Ms M Throssell - Co-opted Governor

Vice Chair of Governors - Mrs E Johnson - Co-opted Governor 

Head Teacher - Mrs S Hay – Head Teacher Governor

Rev M Hird – Co-opted Governor

Mr D Grewer – Co-opted Governor

Ms E Smith – Co-opted Governor

Mr T Warren – Co-opted Governor

Ms K Jones - Co-opted Governor

Mrs H Spencer - Co-opted Governor

Mrs P Simms – LA Governor

Ms H Rock - Parent Governor 

Mrs K Garcha - Parent Governor

Mrs L Hylton – Staff Governor

Full Governing Body Meetings

Eastfield Primary School Governor Meeting Dates 2023-24

Autumn Term 2023

Monday 11th September 2023 at 10am

Monday 6th November 2023 at 10am


Spring Term 2024

Monday 8th January 2024 at 10am 

Monday 19th February at 10am 

Summer Term 2024

Monday 8th April 2024 at 10am 

Monday 3rd June 2024 at 10am


F and GP / Pay committee

Monday 23 October 2023 at 10am

Monday 18 March 2024 at 10am 

Governors Blog

Governor Update 3rd June 2024

All governors have a link role. This is so each governor can check an area of the school provision and feedback to the board in meetings. Some areas are SEND, Safeguarding and Early Years. At their recent meeting governors discussed ways they could work with pupils to gather 'Pupil Voice' in their different areas. This is where pupils tell governors what they think about the school, what they like and what they would like to see. This helps governors gain a better understanding of the pupils' experiences of school.

Governors also discussed some building and maintenance work that will take place over summer.

The SENCo was also thanked for his continuing hard work and efforts for pupils.


Governor Update April 2024

Governors discussed attendance at length in the meeting and also met with the Family Liaison Officer. She explained how families are supported to improve attendance. Governors shared their concerns at the amount of holidays taken in term time and the impact on pupils' learning.

Governors also considered Health & Safety, exploring causes for accidents and noting the actions taken by the school to ensure that the school is a safe area for pupils and staff.

As part of their role governors must ensure the school use funding appropriately and effectively for pupils. Governors scrutinised documents and provided in-depth challenge regarding the budget and school spending on improvements to the building.


Governor Update February 2024

At the latest meeting Governors met with the Maths lead who informed governors of the improvements in pupils' knowledge of maths and how they are able to talk to others about what they are learning. The enthusiasm of the Maths lead really came across and it was clear that their passion for the subject is being carried through to lessons.

Governors also commented on the amount of achievement points pupils had been awarded. It has been lovely to see this positive approach by staff and pupils through the school.

Governors always consider how funding is spent in the school and how it is being used to improve outcomes for pupils. On the school website are details of how Pupil Premium funding is being spent. A governor had visited school to see the plan in action and was able to feedback to governors about how the money is being used.


Happy New Year from the governing board.

Governors met on the first day back after Christmas and were grateful that the Headteacher and School Business Manager had worked so hard before Christmas to have documents ready for the meeting.

The Chair and Headteacher had met with the Local Authority to discuss if any changes were needed to the governing board to better meet the needs of the school. Governors were pleased to hear that previous ideas in meetings shared were very similar to local authority suggestions and were glad that they remain up to date with their practise. Governors currently meet 6 times a year with 2 extra meetings for those who sit on the finance committee.

The SENCO also visited the meeting to give a short presentation. Governors heard about the positive adjustments to teaching that benefit all pupils across the school. Parents are also becoming more involved and taking part in workshops to help their children with their learning.

If you would be interested in being a parent governor please contact the school.


What is a Governing Body

The Governing Body is a group of unpaid volunteers who support the Headteacher in running the School.  We meet regularly to discuss children’s progress and results, acting as “critical friends” to the Headteacher, in order to improve the School’s performance. This means that we challenge the Headteacher by asking important questions, in order to help pupils achieve their full potential.  We help the Headteacher manage the School’s budget, by ensuring that money is spent on improving outcomes for our pupils.​


Governing Body Composition


Former Governors


All members of the Governing Body have voting rights.

Register of Governors Interests as at August 2022-23 - Interests With Companies & Securities


  • Sarah Hay is a Director Of Connect Ed Partnership Ltd and a Trustee of the Friends of The Towers. Sarah Hay is also Director of SCARF Social Enterprise.

  • Tom Warren is Schools Manager at Wolverhampton Wanderers Foundation.

All other Governors have nothing to declare.

There are no relationships between Governors and members of the school, including spouses, partners and relatives.


Governors at Another School 

Emma Smith is also a Governor at another school. No other Governor has a governance role at any other educational institution.

Governor Body Structure

Full Governing Body

Termly Meetings

Interim Chair of Governors – Ms M Throssell

Interim Vice Chair of Governors - Mrs Elaine Johnson

Appeals Committee

Chair to be determined as necessary

Meeting to be arranged as and when needed

Pupil Discipline Committee

Chair to be determined as necessary

Meeting to be arranged as and when needed

Finance, Personnel and General Purposes Committee Members

Chair of Committee – Trish Simms

Mrs P Simms

Mrs S Hay

Miss E Smith

Mrs E Johnson

Mr T Warren

Mr D Grewer

All above Governors have voting rights.

Mrs R’O Hara – (in attendance) papers only

Pay and Personnel Committee

Chair to be determined as necessary

Annual meeting (following the Autumn term’s Finance, Personnel and General Purposes Committee)

Appraisal Committee

Ms E Smith - Reviewing Officer

Mrs P Simms

Mrs E Johnson

Staff Discipline Committee

Chair to be determined as necessary

Meeting to be arranged as and when needed

Link Governors

Compliance, Curriculum, EYFS, Pupil Premium, Safeguarding, SEN and Disability

Attendance at Governor Meetings 2023-24

Attendance at Governor Meetings 2022-23

Attendance at Governor Meetings 2021-22

Attendance at Governor Meetings 2020-21

Attendance at Governor Meetings 2019-20


FGB – Full Governing Body meeting

F and GP – Finance, Personnel and General Purposes Committee

N/A – Not Applicable e.g. does not sit on this committee

Ap – Apologies received

√ - Attended

X – Did not attend (no apologies received)

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