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Children in Year 1 - Year 6 follow a broad and balanced curriculum in line with the National Curriculum 2014. This includes: Mathematics, English, Science, Geography, History, Design Technology, Art and Design, Music, PE, MFL (French) and Computing. We also teach Religious Education based on the Wolverhampton Agreed Syllabus, Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship Education (PSHE) and Health Education (RSE) which links to aspects of learning in PSHE, science and PE.

Swimming is also part of our PE curriculum and all children in Year 5 go swimming.

Reception children follow the the new EYFS framework (as of 1st September 2021) which contains 7 areas broken down into the Early Learning Goals that children will be working towards throughout the year. There are 3 prime areas: Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development and 4 specific areas: Literacy (Comprehension, Reading and Writing), Mathematics (Number and Numerical Patterns), Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.

There is also a hidden curriculum where we aim to develop respect and responsibility for both our school and the wider community and an understanding and acceptance of their role within it.  We recognise children as individuals and help in developing their individuality within a stable and secure environment.  We encourage the sharing of views and beliefs with children and adults.  We value honesty, respect, consideration and self-discipline. As a restorative school we build and maintain relationships that are respectful and empowering and develop children's self awareness and competency in self regulation through a digital curriculum called 'Zones of Regulation'.

 If you would like to know more about our curriculum, please contact us via

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Eastfield Primary School

Eastfield Primary School 

Colliery Road 

01902 558604

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