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Before and After School

Before and After School Activities

Eastfield Primary School organises after school activities for KS1 and KS2 pupils on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday between 3:20-4:15pm; these activities are ran by the PE lead and Wolverhampton Wanderer's Foundation. After School Sports Activities change each term to reflect the competitions organised by WASPs (Wolverhampton sport in primary schools). It is our aim to offer opportunities through the academic year, for our children to compete in leagues and competitions. We intend to participate in singing events during the year and we will prepare for this through our school choir.


Electronic letters are sent out at the beginning of each term asking parents to confirm the attendance of their child and to confirm if their child is being collected or walking home.  


After school activities are not paid childcare and may be cancelled at short notice. 

Breakfast Club

School operates a breakfast club between 8-8:45am in the dining hall. Breakfast Club is £10 per week and this includes food and a drink. 

There are limited places - if you are interested in your child attending Breakfast Club, please email Mrs Stewart Office Manager

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